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    How To Balance Your Life
    How To Balance Your Life
    Practical Ways to Achieve Work/Life Balance
    Picture this: you're sitting in a traffic jam. You left work late, because you had so much on, and now you're late to pick up the kids from school. And when you get home there's still so much to do: homework, washing, shopping, cooking, cleaning. And the next day you have to get up and do it all over again. How did it get to this? And is it ever going to get any better? They say work/life balance is the barbecue stopper, and maybe it is, but while a lot of us talk about it, how many of us actually do something about improving our work/life balance? And while there are countless books out there spruiking the importance and benefits of work-life balance' there are surprisingly few that go into any detail about exactly how to go about doing this. Particularly if you're working to pay off the mortgage, put your kids through school (and probably university), and support your partner. These are just a few of the obstacles - and excuses - that people use as reasons to continue grinding away at an exhausting and stressful way of life. That's where this book comes in. Chock full of useful advice and practical information, How to Balance Your Life is a step-by-step guide to doing just that. It's a practical guide to help us to get beyond that vague, dreamy desire to change our work circumstances and give us a practical framework to implement real, productive and sustainable change - so that we can take concrete steps to make a life for ourselves that we actually enjoy.
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    AU$ 55.99

    Book Author
    James O'Loghlin
    Genre Self Help
    Large Print 16 Pt Edition (Standard Large Print)
    Allen & Unwin Book Publishers
    Age Range
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    Up to 20 business days (?)

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