
    Bentham, Jeremy


    Child prodigy, philosopher and jurist, Bentham is famous for his doctrine of Utilitarianism. He was a dynamic activist of law reform, and an aggressive critic of conventional political doctrines like natural law and contractarianism. He was also the first to produce a utilitarian justification for democracy.
    Bentham wrote ten to twenty sheets of a manuscript each day for forty years of his life. His writings are still at the core of academic debate, especially with respect to social policy, legal positivism, and welfare economics. His major works include Rights, Representation, and Reform - Nonsense upon Stilts and Other Writings on the French Revolution; A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government; An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; and Securities against Misrule.

    Cover Biography

    Child prodigy, philosopher and jurist, Bentham is famous for his doctrine of Utilitarianism. A dynamic activist of law reform, he was the first to produce a utilitarian justification for democracy.;

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