
    Kirkpatrick, Donald L.


    DONALD L. KIRKPATRICK holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. His dissertation was ''Evaluating a Human Relations Training Program for Supervisors.'' At the Management Institute of the University of Wisconsin, he taught managers at all levels the principles and techniques of many subjects, including Coaching, Communication, Managing Time, Managing Change, Team Building, and Leadership.....He is a regular speaker at ASTD and IQPC national conferences, at other professional and company conferences, and a frequent speaker at chapters of ASTD....As a consultant, he has presented programs to many U.S. organizations and those in many foreign countries including Singapore, Korea, Argentina, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia, and India....He is Board Chairman of South Asian Ministries, an active member of Gideons International, and a Senior Elder at Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin;

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