
    O'Neill, Ellie


    Ellie O'Neill took the long way around. She sold spider catchers in Sydney, flipped burgers in Dublin and worked in advertising in London. All the while, she knew she had stories to tell. So, at thirty - someĀ­thing, she made the brave leap and moved back in with her parents in Dublin to get the job done, and scribbled away, knowing that there was something about Irish fairies she needed to share with the world. Those scribblings would later turn into her debut novel, a bestseller called Reluctantly Charmed. Then Ellie fell madly in love. The only catch was that he lived in Australia. True to form, she couldn't ignore the magic and followed her heart to Oz for what was supposed to be a long holiday. Six years later, Australia is home to Ellie, her Joe and their fabulous toddler (with an Irish name no one can pronounce). They live in Geelong.;

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