
    Austin, Mary


    Novelist and essayist who wrote about Native American culture and social problems.
    Best remembered for The Land of Little Rain (1903), which established her as a unique voice of the American West, Mary Austin was the author of nearly thirty books and hundreds of short works. Her essays, novels, plays, short stories, poems, and articles draw upon her impressions of the indigenous peoples and terrains of California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Throughout her work, glimmers of her idiosyncratic feminism appear; not until long after her death in 1934 did she come to be celebrated for her feminist perspective.

    Primary Works

    The Land of Little Rain, 1903 (E-Text); Lost Borders, 1909; A Woman of Genius, 1912; The land of journeys' ending, 1924; Starry Adventure, 1931; Earth horizon, autobiography, 1932; Literary America, 1903-1934; The Basket Woman: A Book of Indian Tales, 1999.


    Cover Biography

    Novelist and essayist who wrote about Native American culture and their social problems. Mary Austin is the author of nearly thirty books and hundreds of short works that drew from her impressions of the indigenous people.;

    Books by Austin, Mary

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