
    Crevecoeur, Hector St. John de


    Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur also known as John Hector St. John (1735 - 1813) was a French - American writer, born to the Count and Countess of Crèvecœur in Normandy, France. He is best - known Letters from an American Farmer (1782), in which he presented a comprehensive picture of the American life from Nantucket to Charleston. He also wrote several letters on agriculture for different American journals. Crèvecœur died Sarcelles, France, at the age of 78. ;

    Cover Biography

    A French-American writer, Crèvecoeur, renowned for his narrative essays “Letters From an American Farmer” and "Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans l'état de New York". He is considered a pioneer of portraying American society with equality and dominion. ;

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