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    The Dakota Diet
    The Dakota Diet
    Health Secrets from the Great Plains
    You may have tried numerous diets over the years in an attempt to lose weight, only to regain the pounds after going off the diet. The problem with popular diets is that they are not nutritionally sound. The Dakota Diet is different - it is a way of eating that provides you with nutritionally satisfying foods to help you lose weight, improve your cholesterol levels, and add healthier years to your life. The foods that the Plains Indians hunted and gathered were rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Today, our diet contains low levels of omega-3s and is loaded with omega-6s. As we forage at the grocery store, the foods we bring home contain up to 20 times more omega-6s than omega-3s. Omega-3 fats counter the unhealthy effects of omega-6s and are found in abundance right here in America's backyard, on the plains of the Dakotas. The Dakota Diet is not a fad diet; it can help you rediscover the benefits of healthy fats and enjoy hearty American foods while losing weight and improving your health. It is high in good omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in flax seed, soy, buffalo, fresh fish, and wild game. The diet focuses on nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. The meat is from animals that are allowed to graze on grasses, such as buffalo, which has less fat and fewer calories than meat from grain-fed animals. The diet is also high in soluble fiber found in beans, barley, and oats - foods that help balance your cholesterol. This book will show you how to find and prepare wonderful foods full of healthy fats, featuring delicious recipes for grass-fed buffalo and wild game, vegetables, grains, and salads straight from the prairie.
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    NZ$ 61.99

    Book Author
    Kevin Weiland
    Genre Family, Health & Fitness , Medical
    Large Print 16 Pt Edition (Standard Large Print)
    Basic Health Publications, Inc.
    Age Range
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    UP TO 30 DAYS (?)

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